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Negligible Use of Technology in Indian Courts: Research Report on Indian Judiciary

Representational Image of a Courtroom Created with Meta AI Image Generator. Negligible Use of Technology in Indian Courts: Research Report on Indian Judiciary

Representational Image of a Courtroom Created with Meta AI Image Generator. Negligible Use of Technology in Indian Courts: Research Report on Indian Judiciary

Negligible Use of Technology in Indian Courts: Research Report on Indian Judiciary 

The India Judicial Research Report 2024 discusses various factors that are responsible for the downfall of the Indian judiciary.


The Indian lawyers, judges, and court staff are not fully educated and trained to work in the professional legal environment.

The members of the judiciary lack language, communications, and legal skills.

The lawyers and judges are not quite conversant with technology platforms.

Technology implementation in courts is happening at a tardy pace.

The Indian judicial systems are deplored in all parts of the world.

Judicial corruption is rampant in the country.

Lawyers fleece their clients openly and there is no regulation for them.

With the aim to get post-retirement jobs, the immoral judges favour the ruling politicians with their visibly wrong judgments.

The judges ostensibly criticize the government decisions in courtrooms, but finally give judgments in favour of the government.

Judges are scared of top politicians who have dreaded criminal records.

Since there is no accountability for judges, they get off scot-free even after giving wrong and motivated judgments in a number of cases.

The legal aid system has completely collapsed in India while only good-for-nothing advocates offer to provide legal aid services.

The education in law institutes is bad and obsolete.

The commoners in India have lost faith in the judiciary.

[ Also Read: India Judicial Research Report 2024 Released ]

[ Also Read: India Judicial Research Report 2024: Decline of the Indian Judiciary ]

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Rakesh Raman
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Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
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