Meet the Winners of Intel Science Competition
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 10, 2015 – Intel Science Talent Search first place winners (left to right) Noah Golowich (Mass.), Andrew Jin (Calif.) and Michael Winer (Md.) each took home $150,000. Photo credit: Chris Ayers/Intel
Noah Golowich, Andrew Jin, and Michael Hofmann Winer each received first-place awards of $150,000 at the Intel Science Talent Search 2015, a program of Society for Science & the Public.
The top winners and other finalists from across the United States took home awards totaling more than $1 million.
The Intel Science Talent Search, a pre-college science and math competition, recognizes 40 high school seniors who are poised to create new technologies and solutions that will positively impact people’s lives.
[ RMN Foundation: Serving the Children ]
Starting this year, the Intel Science Talent Search tripled the top awards to further recognize finalists and highlight the variety of research conducted.
In place of the previous grand prize of $100,000, three first-place Medal of Distinction awards of $150,000 were presented to students who showed exceptional scientific potential in three categories: Basic Research, Global Good, and Innovation.
Over the past decade, Intel and the Intel Foundation have invested more than $1 billion, and Intel employees have donated close to 4 million hours toward improving science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in more than 100 countries, regions and territories.