Internet Voting: An Alternative Voting Method in Moldova
The members of the working group for the elaboration of the concept of digitalization of the electoral process met on March 31, 2022 to finalize the proposals for the legal regulation of the way of voting through the Internet. Photo: Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova
The Inter-institutional Working Group (IWG) within the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova has discussed the draft concept of the regulatory proposal for the electoral legislation concerning Internet voting as an alternative voting method in the country.
Pursuant to the request of the IWG, the Council of Europe experts provided a number of comments on the draft concept aiming at amending electoral legislation of the Republic of Moldova.
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This meant to bring the draft concept in line with the Council of Europe standards and good practices on e-voting, in particular with the Recommendation(2017)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on standards for e-voting, and with the newly adopted Guidelines CM(2022)10 of the Committee of Ministers on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in electoral processes.
The Council of Europe experts underlined the necessity for clear regulation and delimitation between provisions on organizing of elections at the polling stations, as well as the importance of organizing, securing, counting and observing procedures for voting through the Internet.
This activity is funded and implemented by the Council of Europe Project Improving Electoral Practice in the Republic of Moldova, Phase II.