Bengal Government to Set Up Seven IT Parks by 2017
The Bengal Government in India will open seven Information Technology (IT) parks in the state by 2017, with an aim to make it a preferred IT destination in the country, a state minister said last week.
“Seven IT parks will be ready by 2017 and will provide job opportunities to around 20,000 people,” the Bengal IT Minister said.
The minister said the state is offering the best incentive policies for IT and ITeS (Information Technology enabled Services) companies ranging from interest to training subsidies.
In order to promote the IT industry, the government is taking various steps to keep a clean environment.
Example: Along with 10 cities, Kolkata – according to the All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) – is the only Indian city to recently receive the best city award for proper waste management.
The awards were announced during the C40 Mayors Summit held in Mexico City. Other cities that won the award are Addis Adaba, Copenhagen, Curitiba, Sydney and Malborne, Paris, Portland, Seoul Shenzhen, and Yokohama.
Kolkata Mayor said that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee wanted to make Kolkata ‘Green and Clean’ and that has been made possible. The citizens supported the initiative in a big way, he pointed out.
The State Government plans to create infrastructure ahead of demand, the IT minister stated, adding that three hardware parks were coming up in the state, besides setting up of an institute of data sciences and a cyber security centre of excellence for protection of data.
The Bengal Government is also keen on a start-up action plan, which will be targeted at the youth population in the state.
Photo courtesy: AITC