AT&T Mobile Cell Sites to Help California Wildfires Victims
AT&T Sat COLT in Willits, CA
To help customers and emergency responders stay connected, AT&T Network Disaster Recovery (NDR) team is deploying mobile cell sites, or Cells on Light Trucks (COLTs) and equipment to areas impacted by ongoing wildfires.
The company has deployed Sat COLTs to Santa Rosa, Willits, and the Napa Town & County Fairgrounds in Napa. These assets are being used to provide network support and for wildfire incident command responders. The Satellite COLTs are mobile cell sites that link to the AT&T network via satellite and don’t rely on commercial power availability.
“Our highest priority is to ensure that our customers have the necessary resources to communicate with their loved ones and emergency services, and access important information during these difficult times,” said Ken McNeely, President of AT&T California. “Our teams are working closely with first responders to get our service up as quickly and safely as possible.”
In addition to deploying temporary cell sites, AT&T is staging and refueling additional generators and has deployed an emergency communications vehicle to Santa Rosa.
To support evacuees, AT&T community response teams have set up charging capabilities at the following locations:
- Napa Valley College, 2277 Napa-Vallejo Hwy, Napa
- Sonoma County Fairgrounds, 1350 Bennet Valley Road, Santa Rosa
- Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave, Santa Rosa
The company says it will continue to monitor its network and evaluate opportunities to deploy additional equipment once conditions allow.