App Developers Invited to #OpenGovDataHack Hackathon
Ravi Shankar Prasad launching the Hackathon in New Delhi on September 12, 2017
India’s Minister for Electronics & Information Technology Ravi Shankar Prasad launched Tuesday a nation-wide hackathon #OpenGovDataHack.
Covering seven states of India, it aims to support the talent and help people make their ideas developed into apps and infographics.
These will be used with Open Government Data around the themes of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Transport, Education, Crime and Health – to a stage, after which it can be evaluated by a jury and be selected for prizes and future funding.
“The government is committed to making best use of big data in establishing rule of precision governance,” Ravi Shankar Prasad said.
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The apps will be evaluated by a panel of jury comprised of the members from the Community, Government, Academia and Industry.
The shortlisted teams will be invited for a presentation on the app. The Hackathon process will conclude with an International conference on Open Data, wherein the winners of the Apps Challenge will be awarded.
The Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India has been set up by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) in compliance with National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) 2012.
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The objective of the policy is to provide proactive access to government owned sharable data along with its usage information.
A separate Community Portal has been launched to provide a common platform for knowledge sharing through contribution of blogs, infographics, etc. using data available on the platforms. Similarly a dedicated event portal also helps in management of workshops, hackathons, challenges, etc. OGD has organised 24 major events, apps challennges, hackathons, etc. so far.
The OGD Platform is available as Software as a Service (SaaS) model. Following Open Data Portals have been created using OGD SaaS: Sikkim Open Data Portal, Tamil Nadu Open Data Portal, and Surat Municipal Corporation.
Photo courtesy: Press Information Bureau